Horrific video shows dog yelping in pain as it is barbecued alive at a Chinese market

Horrific video shows dog yelping in pain as it is barbecued alive at a Chinese market

The video was shared by campaign group No To Dog Meat as they called for an end to the barbaric trade.
A horrific video of a dog yelping in pain as it was roasted alive on a barbecue in a Chinese meat market has been shared online by animal rights activists.

The dog is seen trying to open its battered jaw to cry out as it was barbecued at a meat market in Yulin, China.

Another video shows men pouring boiling water from pans over a half-skinned dog which was still alive.

Horrific video shows dog yelping in pain as it is barbecued alive at a Chinese market
Horrific video shows dog yelping in pain as it is barbecued alive at a Chinese market

The activists also shared another video of a dog stuffed into a cramped cage in filthy conditions in a meat market in the Chinese city of Yulin, which is known for the dog meat festival. 

Horrific video shows dog yelping in pain as it is barbecued alive at a Chinese market

The videos were shared in preparation for a march to the Chinese embassy in London today, where activists are demanding an end to the trade of dogs and cats for food. 


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