So ! Heartbreaking video shows man slapping a baby and flinging him on the floor multiple times as he forces him to stand on his own

Heartbreaking video shows man slapping a baby and flinging him on the floor multiple times as he forces him to stand on his own
A heartbreaking video showing a man slapping a baby multiple time and lifting him into the air before tossing him to the ground, also multiple times, has caused outrage.

In the shocking video, the man is seen trying to get the baby to stand on his own, but the boy couldn't, so he slaps him across the face multiple time and doesn't stop, even as the child cries.

He then positions the baby beside a table, with the child's hands on the table for support, and tries to get the baby to stand on his own. But the baby's legs wobble and this angers the man so, he slaps the baby on the stomach twice. 

While this is going on, there's a boy seen lying on a couch. Someone is also behind the camera because the baby is seen looking at the person while crying, but the person doesn't come to the baby's aid.

The man then carries the baby away from the table, lifts him high into the air, and drops him on the floor. He does this multiple times, then continues beating the baby again.

Heartbreaking video shows man slapping a baby and flinging him on the floor multiple times as he forces him to stand on his own

It is not clear how many people are in the room as this happens but voices can be heard in the background.

The video was shared by actress and former Miss Lebanon, Nadine Nassib Njeim and she tagged the United Nations, asking them to intervene. 

Instagram users are angered by the man's actions and they are calling for help in identifying the man and reporting him to the appropriate authorities for child abuse.

Heartbreaking video shows man slapping a baby and flinging him on the floor multiple times as he forces him to stand on his own

Watch the shocking video below.
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أولاً اعتذر لنشر مشاهد مؤلمة ولكن لم استطع تجاهل القسوة وقلة الإنسانية وعدم الرحمة ! نطالب بشنق هذا الشيطان وكل من شارك في هذه الجريمة أمام كل الناس وحماية الطفلة !!! نطالب الجمعيات و الحكومات بالتضامن لحماية الأطفال من هذه الأشكال المقرفة !!! أما انا فأقول الله يحرقك بنار جهنم يا ابن الشوارع يا حيوان يا رب تدفع حق يلي عملته عذاب و قهر ومرض ووجع ليوم الدين ! @unicef @uniceflebanon #nadinenassibnjeim #nnn #نادين_نسيب_نجيم

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